
School Named for George W. Bush Opens
Cities are full of schools named Washington, Adams and Jefferson. In Stockton, however, a school has been named for a current president, apparently for the first time ever.
Not Stockton, Kali-four-niya?
G.W. Bush school is the first to be built with funds from an $80 million bond approved by voters in 2000. The $13 million campus is situated on 12 acres near the Stockton Auto Mall. It will be home to 850 students. Although the furniture at Bush Elementary looks expensive, the school district didn’t go over budget buying it. The upgrades and many of the schools computers were paid for through donations. Pictures of President Bush, First Lady Laura Bush and the couple’s pets are prominent in the school.
Pictures of GWB and the fair lady Laura I can understand, but the pets? I think thats pretty odd.
Even the furnishings in the office look a bit like they came from the White House.
Its possible that they do, I believe the former occupants made a small fortune hocking the office goods on Ebay.
The decorating theme is lost on some of the younger students, though. When asked by a reporter if he knew who George W. Bush is, the child answered, "Yes, the governor."
Well the kid is partially right, he was the govenor, but of another state but the old man has had a promotion since then.
It isn’t likely students will become familiar with their school’s namesake any time soon, at least not in person. Despite repeated invitations, the president has sent word that his schedule does not allow for a visit to the school.
I’d say its not Georges style to self agrandize.

I actually disagree with things like this, even though I like Bush just fine. It's my opinion nothing should be named after a government official while he's alive. It costs a lot of money to change all those signs — think what'll happen when Robert Byrd is dead and become Robert Who? It also avoids egos like Saddam or Muammar (The Leader of the Revolution™) or Turkmenbashi or more others than you can shake a stick at indulging themselves using the public purse. And yes, I'm convinced Bill Clinton would have named things after himself if he'd thought he could get away with it.

Posted by: Frank Martin 2003-08-27