
Coalition Forces Drop Daisy Cutters On Taliban Base
In retaliation for strikes by the Taliban over the weekend that killed a dozen or more coalition soldiers, 1000 Afghan troops backed by US-led coalition forces and US air support bombed a Taliban base in the Dozi mountains approximately 170 miles southwest of Kabul. Afghan officials say that dozens of Taliban have been killed as the result of Daisy Cutter bombs dropped on the mountain hideout however the Pentagon puts the death toll at 14. The airstrikes included F-16 fighters, A-10 "Wart Hogs" and Harrier ground-attack jets, Pentagon officials said.
Which one dropped the daisy cutters?
JUS reporters in Pakistan received reports from eyewitnesses in the area who said that approximately 50 ordinance "pulverized" the Taliban position and that the area has been sealed off to prevent locals from reaching the area.
If they did use daisy cutters, which is open to question (reporting is from Jihad Unspun), and they've got the area sealed tight, I'd guess they think they've got one of the bigs, probably Mullah Omar, bottled in there. Sure would be nice if they got him...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-08-27