
Bomb kills polio health official
A senior health official has been killed and three guards injured in a bomb blast in Pakistan's tribal region bordering Afghanistan, officials say.

The dead man, Abdul Ghani Khan, played a key role in a polio immunisation drive in the Bajaur tribal region. Dr Khan was returning from a meeting of tribal elders to persuade them to end their opposition to the campaign. It is not clear if he was targeted because of his work to eradicate polio in the area.
Nope, nope, that had nothing to do with it, nope. He's an educated man seen discussing things with infidels but nope, that couldn't be it.
No one has admitted to carrying out the blast. Officials said the assailants used a remote-controlled bomb.

Two of the three guards travelling with Dr Khan are in a serious condition after the blast, in a village around 50kms (30 miles) northeast of Khar, the main town in the Bajaur tribal region.

Pro-Taleban militants are known to be active in the area.
Posted by: john 2007-02-16