
Harrison Ford slams Bush policy, guns
Edited for relevant content
Another Hollywood asshat shoots off his mouth overseas
In an interview in Madrid, Harrison Ford became the latest Hollywood actor to criticize the Bush administration while on foreign soil. "I’m very disturbed about the direction American foreign policy is going," said Ford, according to the Australian Associated Press. Ford, in Spain to promote his new release "Hollywood Homicide," noted U.S. post-war casualties have exceeded those during the actual conflict. "I think something needs to be done to help alleviate the conditions which have created a disenfranchised and angry faction in the Middle East," said the 62-year-old Ford, the Australian news wire reported.
I thought we were? Y'mean killing the bloodthirsty bastards doesn't count?
The worst part about these rants is that the perpetrator has such a shallow understanding of what’s really happening, but because of their "stardom" think they have to spew. They would do much better studying the issue first, rather than after ten thousand disappointed fans chew their butts for their stuipdity, vis-a-vis the Dixie Chicks.
"I don’t think military intervention is the correct solution," he said. "I regret what we as a country have done so far."
We shoulda sent hookers?
While Ford has starred in many shoot-’em-up thrillers, he said he abhors America’s liberal gun laws. "I’m very troubled by the proliferation of arms, at the fact so many people in the United States carry guns," he said, according to the AAP. "It obviously contributes greatly to the crime problems we have. I’m sure gun laws should be strengthened in the United States. I just don’t know the correct mechanism."
There! Y'see? He's not a total idiot. I completely agree. I think that you should have to have a license for any weapon with a caliber of greater than 37mm. I mean, it's only common sense...

Posted by: Old Patriot 2003-08-28