
With a Powerless Government, Lebanon is a Jungle
MEMRI translation of an editorial in the Lebanese Christian daily Al-Nahar, not that Christian opinions count for much in Lebanon...
Who determines military actions in the south [of Lebanon]? We, as Lebanese, have a right to know how these types of decisions are made, [decisions] that directly affect all of Lebanon and all Lebanese. It is our right to know if Hizbullah alone makes these decisions and on what basis they do so. Is it Syria who makes the decisions and passes orders onto the Hizbullah? Is it Iran? Lebanon? And what is the strategy? It is our right to know and even participate in such critical decisions; otherwise, Lebanon is a jungle with no central decision-making authority.
That's a fairly accurate description, I'd say...
The Lebanese country, and particularly the government of Lebanon, as the executive authority responsible for policy-making, must be directly responsible for Hizbullah operations in the south, since it purports to be a country of laws and institutions that has full sovereignty on the entire land of Lebanon. However, essentially, we know that it is not the country that determines the perpetuation of military operations in the south, and that Lebanon has no strategy in this area

And if they got there, somebody beats them up and pulls their collective pants down...
It can be said that the government's powerlessness, and the fact that it does not shoulder its national responsibility, have, in the eyes of the world, made it chiefly responsible for the breaches of peace in southern Lebanon – though some of its members attempt, through communiqués and statements, to conceal Hizbullah and its operations.

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-08-29