
Wesley Clark 'has made his choice'
General Wesley Clark, a former US general who commanded Nato's war in Kosovo, is poised to announce whether he will run for the White House next month and enter the Democratic primaries, party officials said yesterday.
So he made his choice, but he ain't sayin', so we're all supposed to sit around and ask each other: "Big Boy: Will he stay or go?"... Uhhh... Make that, "Wesley: Will he defecate or decommode?"
Gen Clark has mounted a media blitz over the past few weeks, appearing on a string of television talk shows to discuss his critical views on US policy in Iraq. He has also won his wife's approval, which had been a major hurdle to entering the race, a Democratic official, who supports a Clark candidacy, said.
Well, if the little woman said he could, I guess it's okay. But be home by 11, young man!
"You're looking at someone who has already made his choice," the official said. The New York Times yesterday quoted an unnamed friend of the ex-soldier as saying: "He is going to do it. He's just going back and forth as to when."
How 'bout in 2024?
However, another official said Gen Clark was mulling over a final decision. He is said to be trying to assess his chances in the Democratic primary elections, particularly against Howard Dean, the former governor of Vermont, who has taken a similarly strong line in criticism of the administration's foreign policy and who has already raised a campaign fund of about $20m (£12.7m).
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-08-29