
SAIRI thumps Arab opposition to interim regime
More from MEMRI's Baghdad Press series...
Al-'Adala (published by the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq), in an editorial titled "The Arab System: Between Legitimacy and Illegitimacy" stated that "some Arab groups and officials issue irresponsible statements about the interim Governing Council
 Such positions reflect the extent of confusion and chaos that dominate Arab policies towards the occupation and the needs of the Iraqi people
" The article further states that, in the past, the same parties had "supported Saddam and his shenanigans, and turned a blind eye to what took place in Iraq
 in the pretext that it was up to the Iraqis [to deal with it]
 and now, when the Iraqi people try their best to find the correct way to end the occupation and deal with the problems that Saddam left behind, they [i.e. the Arab countries] rush to build obstacles in the path of this patient, striving, and generous nation
" The paper goes on to state that recent military campaigns against Iraq were launched from Arab territories, so the Arab regimes were not only partners to a regime that used chemical weapons and turned Iraq into a mass-grave, but also partners to the occupation itself.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-08-29