
20,000 Saboteurs in Baghdad?
More MEMRI...
The independent daily Al-Yawm Al-Aakher reported that it obtained confirmed information that "ten thousand Egyptian saboteurs, and a similar number from Afghanistan, were sent to Baghdad to carry out sabotage operations, including bombings of embassies, to create instability
" The report stated that these operations "have no justifiable reasons [except to serve] agendas that are well known to a large segment of the Iraqi people."
Yeah. We have an idea what they are, too...
The paper concluded: "The Iraqis wish that those [saboteurs] are not dubbed Mujahideen or resistance fighters, because the situation is so confused now that we no longer know who is a resistance-fighter and who is a Mujaheed."
That 20,000 figure seems like it might be a little on the high side... Doesn't it? That's a lot of flies on that paper. And somebody's got to put them up and go out for sandwiches to feed them...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-08-29