
Al-Qa'ida Supporters Arrive in Diyala Province
More MEMRI...
In a special report, the independent Al-Yawm Al-Aakher quoted sources in the Diyala Province as stating that they have been witnessing the emergence of an "unusual organization in the province identifying itself as 'Ansar Al-Qaeda' [Supporters of Al-Qa'ida], and that their numbers have been increasing daily
 Citizens in Baqouba described the developments in the province as harbinger of an armed military eruption in the near future if the American forces in the area fail to curtail the activities of such armed organizations
I imagine we'll do just that, assuming we can collect the intel. It'll be easier if the locals try to help out a bit. From the tone of the (very short) article, it sounds like they might...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-08-29