
Aethiops take over Somali bases in Kismayu
(SomaliNet) The Ethiopian command in the Somalia’s southern port city of Kismayu on Tuesday consolidate all the military positions of the transitional government after they deployed the government troops in military camps for training.

The soldiers have been deployed in Luglow military camp to finalize their military training. During the course, they will learn the military discipline.
There's a great idea -- let's teach the troops some discipline! Boy howdy, the Aethiops are light years ahead on this stuff.
The move follows clan rivalry over administrating Kismayu, the third largest city in Somalia. Majerten and Merahan clans who are both from Darod tribe are at loggerheads over who will manage Kismayu.

The Ethiopians armed with heavy weapons also took over the biggest jail in Kismayu and are feared to take control of the main seaport and airport.
Armed with heavy weapons? They can take whatever they want.
Before the takeover, senior Ethiopian and Somali government officials have had a closed door meeting in the town in which a decision that Ethiopians should take control of the town was issued.
Posted by: Steve White 2007-02-21