
IDF clears Gaza site used to fire Qassams
Israel on Friday sent bulldozers and tanks into the Beit Hanoun area of the northern Gaza Strip to uproot swaths of farmland the military says is used as cover for cross-border rocket attacks, Palestinian witnesses and the military said. That followed an earlier push into Gaza late Thursday, shortly after one of the Qassam rockets fired by Palestinians struck near the coastal city of Ashkelon, the deepest hit yet into Israel. Early Friday, a military engineering corps drove four bulldozers into the edge of northern Gaza, and, under the protection of five battle tanks, cleared brush and orchards that the military says is used as cover for militants firing homemade rockets into Israel.
Remember how the PA cops said they tried to catch the guys who fired the rockets yesterday?
The military said that the force found the abandoned launcher that was used to fire Thursday’s rocket just 15 meters away from a Palestinian police post.
Humm, must have been eating too many doughnuts.
Posted by: Steve 2003-08-29