
Arabs are running things in Afghanistan
  • Pakistan's International News says that Arabs and not the Afghan Taliban fighters are controlling important parts of the country and fighting major battles on frontlines.

    The Taliban still have all the liberty to frame their own rules and apply on the locals but these rules do not apply on the Arabs. "The Arabs are the real fighters who are repulsing the attacks of Northern Alliance and US allies on Kabul and Mazar -i- Sharif," a foreign non-Arab fighter who, for the last three years, worked as cook with Arabs, told The News during a chat.

    Before the attacks, the Taliban had all powers but then the scenario suddenly changed and the Arabs emerged in the country as the real rulers, he said. Locals admit that as compared to the Taliban, the Arabs fight more bravely. "That's why, not a single Arab has been arrested by Northern Alliance or other opponents," they said.

    "The Sheikh", Osama Bin Laden, has the last word on all matters and no one can disobey his orders. Majority of the NGOs working inside Afghanistan are either directly supervised or funded by Arabs nationals.
    Just goes to reinforce my opinion that we're fighting a war against colonialism. Who'da thunk it?
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-11-06
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=1816