
British Scientist, Dr. Kelly, Backed Iraq War
Oh, the horror of discovering that Dr. Kelly was a patriot! EFL.
The weapons scientist caught up in a storm about claims the government exaggerated the threat posed by Iraq believed war was the only way to eliminate Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, a British newspaper reported Sunday. David Kelly, 59, apparently committed suicide after he was identified as the source for a British Broadcasting Corp. claim the government ``sexed up’’ intelligence about Iraq’s weapons programs to build support for war. The Observer newspaper, in its early Sunday edition, printed what it said was an unpublished article by Kelly in which he said military action ``regrettably appears to be the only way’’ of disarming Iraq. The Observer quoted Kelly as writing that ``although the current threat presented by Iraq militarily is modest,’’ Iraq still intended to develop chemical and biological weapons ``for both military and terrorist use... After 12 unsuccessful years of U.N. supervision of disarmament, military force regrettably appears to be the only way of finally and conclusively disarming Iraq.’’
Hmmm, this fellow clearly could add 2+2+2+2 and end up with 8.
The newspaper said the article was part of a report on Iraq compiled early this year but not published. The paper said it had received the article from the report’s editor, journalist Julie Flint. Kelly, a former U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq, was the government’s leading expert on Iraq’s chemical and biological warfare programs. A senior judge, Lord Hutton, currently is holding an inquiry into the events leading up to Kelly’s death. The scientist was found with his wrist slit on July 18, days after being identified as the BBC’s source.
Wonder if anyone at the BBC has the slightest twinge of conscience?
Posted by: Steve White 2003-08-31