
U.S. Planes Bomb Taliban Positions Anew
Apparently we’re determined not to let them get away like in Tora Bora. Excellent!~ (channeling Monty Burns)
U.S. fighter jets and helicopters pounded suspected Taliban positions Sunday in a fresh assault in the rugged mountain peaks of southern Afghanistan. Hundreds of reinforcements had joined the fighting on both sides in the Dai Chopan district of Zabul province, said Khalil Hotak, the province’s intelligence chief. A first round of U.S. airstrikes went on for three hours overnight and ended shortly before dawn, Hotak said. U.S. planes flew several more bombing sorties late Sunday morning, Gen. Haji Saifullah Khan said from the scene of the fighting. For nearly a week now, the mountainous region about 42 miles north of Qalat, the provincial capital, has been the scene of intense battles between suspected Taliban rebels, Afghan soldiers and their U.S. allies.
nice of you boys to have this reunion, may we join in?
Dozens of Taliban fighters are reported to have been killed and several others arrested so far. "We are tightening the siege against them step by step. We will either capture them alive or take the life force out of them," Hotak said. Hospital officials in Qalat told The Associated Press on Sunday that the wounded were taken immediately to a U.S. base at the airport in the southern city of Kandahar. No ground battles were reported on Sunday.
That's either a good thing — they're all dead — or a bad thing — they've beat it out the back door, and are headed for the Pak border at top speed, wearing Grandmaw's burka as a brilliant disguise...
Four helicopter gunships and three U.S. jets targeted suspected Taliban hideouts in the Chinaran, Ragh and Kabai areas of Dai Chopan, Hotak told AP at an operations center in Qalat. Afghan soldiers swept through the area following the bombing and claimed to have seen 14 newly killed Taliban fighters, according to Hotak. There were no reports of casualties among government forces.
newly killed = killed earlier in the week, and killed again yesterday? ewwwwww
U.S. military spokesman Col. Rodney Davis said Saturday that two American soldiers had been wounded in the fighting this week. Another American soldier died in a fall during a nighttime combat operation on Friday. Khan, the Afghan commander, said Sunday that intelligence indicated more than 250 Taliban reinforcements had arrived from the neighboring district of Mizan.
good! bring em all in one big target-rich area
"We have an informer among these people (Taliban)," Khan told AP. He spoke by satellite telephone from Larzab, on the front line of the battle.
heh heh....even if they don’t, it’s good to f&^k with their pointy little beturbanned heads by sowing paranoia
He said fighting had died down by Sunday afternoon following the last U.S. airstrikes. "There is no exchange of fire. We are quietly advancing toward where we have laid siege to the Taliban," Khan said. About 500 Afghan soldiers had been earlier reported involved in the battles with the Taliban. Hotak said reinforcements have been sent and about 800 Afghan soldiers were in the region now. On Sunday, Hotak said hundreds of American troops were in Dai Chupan, but the U.S. military did not confirm that claim. He earlier said there were 60 to 70 U.S. soldiers.
Posted by: Frank G 2003-08-31