
CIA: Bin Laden In Pakistan Establishing New Camps (Surprise!!)
In a story as surprising as the left wing dominated National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences voting the Chixie Twits grammys, or the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences voting Al Bore an Oscar for his anti-science "movie"...

In the most definitive statement in years, America's top intelligence official said Tuesday Osama bin laden is in Pakistan actively re-establishing al Qaeda training camps.

The newly appointed Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell made the assertion about bin Laden and his No. 2 man, Ayman al Zawahri, in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Referring to Pakistan's rugged tribal area, McConnell said "to the best of our knowledge that the senior leadership, No. 1 and No. 2, are there, and they are attempting to re-establish and rebuild and to establish training camps."
but we have no stomach to do what needs to be done...so we would rather talk around it while brave Americans die, and left wing moonbat senators/congrssmen beat us to death.

Until now, U.S. intelligence officials had declined to publicly identify, with such certainty, the location of bin Laden although he has long been suspected of hiding in Pakistan near the border with Afghanistan.
long suspected my ***. We have known where he is for a long time. we just don't want to admit it, because it would require decisive, unpopular (on the arab street and among moonbats) action.

McConnell's testimony came the day after the CIA deputy director, Stephen R. Kappes, flew to Pakistan to confront President Pervez Musharaff with "compelling" evidence that new al Qaeda training camps were being established on Pakistani territory.
President Musharaff...Do you know there are AQ training camps in the Wazoo? Do you know Bin Ladin is hiding there? No? Oh, OK.

U.S. officials would not describe the evidence in any detail, but people in the intelligence community have speculated recently that the CIA may have obtained surveillance photos of either bin Laden or Zawahri in Pakistan.
Double Duh!! and satellites and UAV's. Triple Duh!!!

McConnell's public testimony was followed by a closed, secret session with senators.
Is Leaky Leay there? We have to arc-light the wazoo. Play to win and piss on the rest. It's America and American lives at stake.

Posted by: anymouse 2007-02-28