
Jemaah Islamiyah has plans...
Hat tip to Tim Blair...
TERRORIST group Jemaah Islamiyah has drawn up plans for a suicide bombing campaign designed to transform Asia and the Pacific region into Islamic provinces. The scheme is revealed in a 40-page manifesto - the Pupji book or General Guide to the Struggle of JI - which also shows that Jemaah Islamiyah is a well-formed organisation with a constitution, rules of operation, and leadership structure.
That's not to be confused with their Poop List, which includes us and Australia, Britain, Israel, and... ummm...
The book refers to "love of Jihad in the path of God and love of dying as a martyr" as one of the group's 10 guiding principles. It shows that JI is not just a loose amalgamation of extremists which can be paralysed by the arrests of senior figures.
No. It shows they're a more tightly organized amalgamation of extremists...
Events since the Bali bombing also demonstrate that the group has moved to embrace suicide bombings as a preferred method of achieving its aims. Until Bali, JI had not adopted suicide bombings, despite its constitution approving them.
Took them awhile to recruit some people who were dumbass enough to become flying meat, huh?
It has now carried out at least two, including the bombing of the JW Marriott hotel in Jakarta. The book was secretly used in the trials of the Bali bombers to draw out evidence about the organisation behind the murders of 202 people, including 89 Australians. But prosecutors did not reveal that the source of their apparent insights into JI came directly from the organisation's own manifesto. The Pupji book refers to the education and training of members in physical fitness and weapons. Written in a combination of Bahasa Indonesian and Arabic, the book was discovered by police during a raid on a Solo home in central Java last December.
Hidden under some old Playboys...
In that raid, men now known as the "Solo Group" were arrested for helping to shelter alleged JI leader and accused Bali bombing controller, Mukhlas. Prosecutors have used contents from the book to help them question Mukhlas in his ongoing trial. Information from the book also was used at the Jakarta trial of alleged JI spiritual leader, Abu Bakar Bashir. A verdict in Bashir's treason trial will be handed down tomorrow.
We can hardly wait. Wonder if he'll get a vice-presidential pardon?
High-ranking JI members have told the court they have read the Pupji which is said to have been written by co-founder of JI, the late Abdullah Sungkar. The book includes flowcharts of the JI hierarchal structure and illustrates how the organisation works. It does not include names of any members. It reveals the group is led by an amir or supreme leader. The amir appoints leadership councils, the advisory council, edict council and legal council. Under them are regional groups known as Mantiqi. All members must swear a compulsory oath of loyalty to the amir.
Y'gotta bow down to the guy with the jewelled turban. It's an old Islamic tradition...
The Pupji says funding for JI comes from contributions, donations and acceptable sources.
Such as holding up banks and jewelry stores...
While the book does not refer specifically to bombing operations or violent campaigns to kill westerners, oblique reference is made in the section on "strength development operations". This talks about combat operations in which education and training is imperative in subjects such as physical fitness and weapons training, tactical thinking, strategic thinking, leadership and vision.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-08-31