
Paks pooh-pooh Talib strength...
A Pakistani official claimed that the Taliban was a spent force and that rumours of a reorganisation in his country were baseless.
"Nope. Nope. Never happened..."
Foreign office spokesman Masud Khan told a press briefing on Monday the governments assessment was that only Taliban "splinter groups" remained, and that Islamabad was making sure they were not allowed to regroup.
Then his lips fell off and he turned into a pillar of salt...
Afghan officials had recently claimed Taliban loyalists were regrouping on the Pakistani side of the porous 2400km border and organising attacks inside Afghanistan. Khan said the issue came under discussion when Foreign Minister, Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri, visited Kabul last month and held detailed talks with Afghan Foreign Minister, Abdullah Abdullah. "The general sense was that the right thing to do was to share intellignece and information," Khan added.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-09-01