
Egypt, EU launch $730 million aid for reform plan
BRUSSELS - The European Union and Egypt launched an ambitious plan on Tuesday under which the EU will provide aid of 558 million euros ($732 million) to encourage political, economic and social reform in Egypt. The EU cash, provided under Europe’s Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan for promoting reforms in countries close to the bloc’s borders, covers the period from 2007-2010.

EU External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner said the plan was a catalyst for change enabling the two sides to ‘significantly deepen our relationship,’ but Egypt stressed it would carry out the reforms it wanted at its own pace.
And boy howdy, the $2 billion a year we send the Egyptians sure has catalyzed reform, hasn't it?
‘The Europeans are encouraging such commitment on our part but it is an Egyptian decision,’ Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit told a news briefing after talks with EU officials. ‘Whether it is the suggested amendents to the constitution, or changes in the body politic of the Egyptian laws and legal system and the modernisation of the judiciary...these are issues related to Egypt and Egypt will do it according to its own pace and according to whatever results Egypt desires,’ he said.
"Took thousands of years to build the pyramids, right? And you want us to reform in less time thann that? What sense does that make, riddle me that?" he added.
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier called Egypt an ‘important strategic partner’ for the 27-state European Union and termed it ‘an ambitious and good’ action plan. Ferrero-Waldner said the plan would speed up change in Egypt in areas ranging from education to trade, energy, health and the environment.
All the things that a sovereign nation is supposed to do for itself but that Egypt somehow hasn't managed to do.
It took 18 months of negotiations before the two sides were able to put the plan into action, and required EU and Egyptian officials to patch up disagreements over human rights and over declaring the Middle East a nuclear weapon-free zone.
So the Y'urp-peons can't even give away $700 million quickly?
Egypt’s human rights record has deteriorated since 2005 elections, which brought a temporary relaxation of state controls. In many prominent cases, Egyptian courts have jailed people for the peaceful expression of their opinions.
Which, given the new French law that bans citizens from taking crime pictures, means the EU and the Egyptians are in surprising agreement on human rights.
As a compromise, the two sides agreed to deal with political matters, democracy and human rights in one of eight subcommittees set up under the plan.
And you know how much the Y'urp-peons love their committees!
The two sides had also disagreed on an Egyptian proposal to declare the Middle East a region free of nuclear weapons. A senior European diplomat said last year the Europeans did not want any reference to the Egyptian proposal in the agreement for fear of confrontation with Israel, which is widely believed to possess nuclear weapons. The text of the agreement called for promotion of the aim of pursuing ‘a mutually and effectively verifiable Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction and the delivery systems.’

The EU aid package includes 58 million euros in interest rate subsidies, which could help Egypt get loans worth between 250 million and 300 million euros, the European Commission said.
From Y'urp-peon banks, of course, thus spreading their influence further. Sure hope the banks don't end up holding the bag on the next revolution.

Posted by: Steve White 2007-03-07