
State Department Weekly Report

ISF and CF Move into Sadr City:

• More than 550 Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) personnel with 600 Multi-National Division-Baghdad soldiers began a clearing operation in the eastern Baghdad district of Sadr City March 4. Local residents were receptive and cooperative with both ISF and Coalition Forces (CF) as they worked to set secure conditions for the district.
• Soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division, with two Stryker companies from the 2nd Infantry Division, began their combined clearing operation in the early morning of February 4, along with the 8th Brigade, 2nd Iraqi National Police Division and the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 10th Iraqi Army Division.
• CF also began establishing a Joint Security Station at an Iraqi police station, creating the first permanent Coalition presence in the district in two years.

Despite Progress, the New Iraq Security Plan Will Take Months to Accomplish:

• Although there has been recent progress with the new Iraq security plan, Lieutenant General Odierno, the commander of Multi-National Corps-Iraq, cautioned against unrealistic expectations and urged patience, saying the new Iraqi security plan will take months, not weeks, to accomplish.
• LTG Odierno said the key is to be able to maintain security in Baghdad over a long period of time - from six to seven months - enabling the Iraqi government to mature.

Attacks Kill 112 Shi’ite Pilgrims in Iraq:

• According to media reports, insurgents killed 112 Shi'ite pilgrims traveling to the holy city of Karbala in attacks across Iraq March 6. In the worst attack, two suicide bombers strapped with explosives detonated themselves in a street lined with tents in the city of Hillah, killing 77 people.

ISF Take Control of Baghdad Security:

• Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) took control of Operation Fardh al-Qanun March 1, as Iraqi Army Lieutenant General Abbud Gambar and his staff began executing their security plan from their new command post established in Adnan Palace in the International Zone.

ISF Conducting Joint Operations in Baghdad in Support of Fardh al-Qanun:

• The ISF has moved 18 battalions into the Baghdad area in support of Operation Fardh al-Qanun. Although unit end-strength improved over time as more units deployed, the Iraqi battalions did not report at full strength. Seven battalions deployed to the area at 55 to 65% of their end-strength and another seven deployed at 65 to 85%. The final four deployed at over 95% of their end strength, demonstrating an improvement as Iraqi military leaders gained experience in the process.

Specialized and Advanced Training Graduates:

• The Iraqi Police Service graduated 75 Iraqi police from specialized and advanced courses, including Executive Leadership, Mid-Level Management, Basic Criminal Investigations, Advanced Firearms, Forensics, and Dignitary Protective Service.

Ministry of Interior Cleans House:

• The Ministry of Interior has fired or reassigned more than 10,000 employees, including high-ranking officers, who were found to have tortured prisoners, accepted bribes or had ties to militias. A ministry spokesman said that reports that an internal inquiry included details of numerous human rights abuse at the ministry.

Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki Condemns “Illegal” UK Raid:

• Prime Minister Maliki has criticized a raid by British forces on the Iraqi interior ministry's intelligence office in Basrah. A British military spokesman said that the raid on the National Iraqi Intelligence Agency office, where 37 people were held prisoner, had uncovered evidence of torture. However, Maliki has ordered an investigation into the raid, demanding that “those behind this illegal and irresponsible act be punished.”

Iraqi Prime Minister Bids for Peace with Sunnis:

• Prime Minister Maliki offered an olive branch to Iraqi insurgents waging war against his government, saying “We do not need to implement security measures except against those who reject the language of reconciliation and dialogue, those who insist on restoring the past.” He added that the new US-backed security plan launched in Baghdad would be extended to “every inch” of Iraq.

CCCI Convicts 10 Insurgents:

• The Central Criminal Court of Iraq (CCCI) convicted ten security detainees February 18 - 22 for various crimes, including possession of illegal weapons, possessing fake identification, use of explosives, passport violations and illegal border crossing.
• The trial court found an Iraqi man guilty of illegal possession of special category weapons in violation of Order 3/2003 Section 6, Paragraph 2B. On January 19, 2005, Multi-National Forces (MNF) conducted a raid on several houses in Taji in search of the defendant and several other individuals. Once inside, MNF found one RPK machine gun, one AK-47, a pistol, one G3 assault rifle, Iraqi and CIA intelligence manuals and documents, as well as fake identification documents and photographs. MNF then searched outside the house using metal detectors and found more buried weapons and ammunition. Some of the ammunition was found in American ammunition boxes with serial numbers that matched the serial numbers of ammunition boxes taken from Humvees which had recently been destroyed by improvised explosive devices in which two American soldiers died. On February 18, the trial panel found the defendant guilty and sentenced him to 30 years imprisonment.

Iraq Neighbor Conference:

• On March 10, Iraq will host a sub-ministerial preparatory conference meeting in Baghdad of Iraq’s neighbors plus Egypt, Bahrain, and the P-5, as well as one representative each from the Arab League, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and the UN. The content of the Neighbors agenda includes general support for Iraq, the Iraqi people and the Iraqi government.

Latvia Plans to Decrease Troop Commitment in Iraq:

• The Latvian government announced it will withdraw the majority of their 115-man contingent, leaving 15 troops to assist in training operations for the Iraqi Army.

Republic of Georgia to Increase Iraq Presence:

• Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili announced his country will enlarge its participation in the Coalition forces in Iraq during a speech at the construction site of a new NATO-standard military base near the Georgian town of Gori March 4, stating that Georgia “is ready to help American and Iraqi colleagues at the critical phase of the peacekeeping operation.”

UN Warns of Impending Refugee Crisis:

• The UN warned that if sectarian violence in Iraq does not decrease, up to one million new people could become displaced in 2007. Of Iraq's population of about 27 million, 1.8 million have already been displaced within the country and another one million have gone to Syria, 750,000 to Jordan and 150,000 to Egypt.

Iraq’s UN Ambassador Says Syria Can Help Prevent Terrorists from Crossing Border:

• Iraq's UN Ambassador, Hamid al-Bayati, said that Syria could do more to prevent terrorists from crossing their border into Iraq and that the Syrian government could play an important role in improving the security of Iraq by taking control of monitoring its border.

Government of Singapore to Train Iraqi Diplomats:

• At the request of the Iraqi government, and as part of Singapore’s effort to assist in the reconstruction of Iraq, the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be organizing a three-week training program for a group of Iraqi diplomats March 6-23. The program comprises English language training and the work of foreign service officers.

Posted by: Bobby 2007-03-09