
It's Pledge Week at Jihad Unspun
All praise is also to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, who tests His truthful servants in order to purify them. We apologize for the rocky start to Pledge Week last week that lead us to cancell it due to problems with our payment systems resulting from our web host. While these issues are not yet fully resolved, our Paypal system is operational and for those mailing in their pledges, address details are available below. These are indeed trying times at JUS and we ask you to please stand with us during these trials.

On January 20, 2007, we had no sooner finished setting up our new location in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, when fire ravaged throughout the facility destroying it and the majority of our equipment. .... Absolutely everything in our new location has been destroyed or smoke damaged and it will take some time for us to overcome the resulting challenges. ....

Over the past few months we have had great challenges at JUS that are surely tests from Allah. These have interrupted our publishing schedule now several times but this latest hurdle has taken a great toll. .... We are indeed grateful that He deem us worthy of these trials and we continue our work solely on the trust of Allah who is the best provider but we desperately need your help.

We are currently only operating at half of our capacity as we struggle to replace equipment and restore our Malaysian headquarters. Brothers and Sisters, your support is particularly required at this time and we ask you for your most generous financial help to return to full scale publishing. .... We CAN and DO make a difference! Please help us tell the truth about this war on Islam!
Open your hearts and your wallets, brethren and sistren!

Posted by: Flump Grinemp8767 2007-03-11