
Briton plans to join eunuchs in Bechraji
He has come all the way from England to join eunuchs in the temple town of Bechraji in the district, but Stephen, 28, an undergraduate from Ruskin College of Oxford University, is yet to gain entry into the fold.

For the time being Stephen, who is here for the last one week, roams around alone and at times with the local eunuchs, who are adamant that he would have to go through the rituals of castration before being declared a member of the group and follower of Goddess Bechraji.

Rituals or not, Stephen is sought-after by residents here for blessings for their newborns or being there on auspicious occasions.

When asked why he opted for Bechraji, Stephen said Gujaratis living in London advised him to visit the temple town.

"I have liked to dress up like women right from childhood. I also like Indian dresses and love the bindi on the forehead,"he added.

Stephen is determined to stay on in Bechraji and continue to offer prayers at the temple till the eunuchs reconsider their decision.

In the mean time, he is enjoying all the attention he has been getting from people, including devotees.
Posted by: John Frum 2007-03-19