
"[German] Mistakes Happen in Every War"
Marco Seliger, editor-in-chief of "loyal," a Bundeswehr reservists' magazine, praised German military training. Nevertheless, there's no guarantee that soldiers won't make mistakes in threatening situations, he added.

DW-Word.DE : How would you compare the Bundeswehr's training with that of the US armed forces?

That's a comparison that can't be made.
But I'll make a couple anyway...
The Bundeswehr attaches greater importance to intercultural competence and the soldiers are familiarized with local culture and conditions. That's something the Americans have neglected for a long time.

We also provide medical training and teach our soldiers how to avoid hidden explosives. And we bring up the question of whether to shoot or not to shoot. Our soldiers don't just crawl around on the battlefield and practice military things, which some people associate with US training.
"...military things" Chocolate makers...
Posted by: mrp 2007-03-20