
Muslim Doctors Breach Patient Confidentiality to Enforce Sharia

Guardian, March 28, 2007

The health secretary, Patricia Hewitt, has been criticised for suggesting that some Muslim GPs fail to respect the confidentiality of Muslim women who visit them.
Ms Hewitt said women feared talking about issues such as domestic violence and sexual health problems in case their details were shared among "close-knit" communities.

But one GP in Ms Hewitt's constituency accused her of being "out of touch".

A report in GPs' magazine Pulse said Ms Hewitt had first raised the issue in a lecture to the Fabian Society in London.

In an interview with Pulse, she expanded on her comments, saying: "I have had Muslim women give me chapter and verse on very distressing breaches of confidentiality by Muslim GPs.
"Some women patients feel they cannot trust their own GP, who knows the patient's extended families. If they go and talk to him about a very difficult situation concerning domestic violence or sexual health problems, they fear that he will share that with other members of the community. They are very close-knit communities..."

Posted by: Sneaze 2007-03-30