
Tacoma Mayor to Charge Military some of $500,000 for "Protection" from Rabid Moonbats
As the fella said, "you just can't make this shit up".
TACOMA -- Tacoma police say last month's 12-day anti-war protests cost the city an unbudgeted $500,000 to provide a large-scale law enforcement presence.
Malkin linked a video of lefties in full taunting mode.
The rough estimate covers overtime, regular compensation, equipment and food for hundreds of workers from Tacoma police and other agencies, Assistant Chief Bob Sheehan said. The city plans to ask the Port of Tacoma and the military to cover some of the costs. "That's a tremendous hit on our budget -- a half-million dollars of unexpected expense," said Tacoma Mayor Bill Baarsma, adding that the military would get the first invoice. "I think our request is justifiable," Baarsma said. "I would expect that we would be reimbursed. I would be surprised if we weren't."

Police increased law enforcement at the Port of Tacoma during the convoying and storage of Army Stryker vehicles from March 3 until a ship carrying the military equipment left for Iraq on March 14. Protesters were there each night.
I trust in the future Tacoma will be charging victims of crimes for the incarcerations of criminals.

747 Market Street, Suite 1200
Tacoma, WA 98402-3766

By the way don't visit his re-election website. It tries to download a trojan to your browser.

Posted by: Icerigger 2007-04-03