
Bellicose women oversee Guantanamo gunnies
  • There are 130 women among the 1,300 U.S. military personnel at Guantanamo, and they perform much the same duties as the men. Unarmed female guards watch over the orange-clad inmates in Camp X-ray; medical workers administer care to the sick or injured; and women escort prisoners to bathrooms and showers. The women are replaced by male guards when the inmates undress. The Taliban who wouldn't allow women to study in Afghanistan and punished them if a veil slipped or an ankle showed now are getting orders from women guards and care from female doctors. "In their culture they get to tell their females what to do," said Pfc. Courtney Sletter, 21. "Well, they are now in a new culture, and I get to tell them what to do."
    Not only did jihad flop, and the Pure Islamic State get flushed, but now they're guarded by (gasp!) Girls with Guns. To make matters even worse, a babe runs the place. The Command Master Chief - what us (ex-)Army guys would call a Command Sergeant Major - is CMDMC Ellen Mustain. Cheeze. It almost woulda been better to get jobs. If they get sprung, what're the boys back at the mosque gonna say? (Link via Hawspipe)
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-01-27
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=185