
Iraq Leader Welcomes 10,000 Turkish Troops
Iraq’s acting president on Tuesday called for Turkey to send up to 10,000 peacekeeping troops under a U.N. mandate, providing they deploy far from Kurdish territory. The invitation contradicts the foreign minister.
Entifadh:"The Gulf of Oman needs more security, we’ll send the Turks there!"
Ahmad: "But that’s not even close to our country!"
Entifadh: "Even better!"

Entifadh Kanbar, spokesman for Ahmad Chalabi, the member of the Governing Council’s nine-member presidency who is serving for the month of September, also said Chalabi had been invited by the Turkish government to pay ``a very important visit.’’ ``We are welcoming the participation of Turkish forces under the United Nations resolution ... in the western area in Iraq under the condition that this force should not exceed 10,000,’’ Kanbar said, referring to a resolution proposed by the United States. A Turkish force in Iraq is an extremely sensitive issue because of the large Kurdish population near the Turkish border, where some Kurdish rebels took refuge in the mountains after fighting a 15-year rebellion in Turkey. An estimated 37,000 people died in that fighting, and Turkey is concerned that instability in Iraq could re-ignite the war. Turks and Kurds have a centuries-old animosity. Turkey also worries the Iraqi Kurds may be trying to carve out a separate homeland in northern Iraq that could inspire Turkish Kurds.
Keep screwing Uncle Sam and it’s more likely to become a reality (hmmm, a Rantburg Futures?)
Window's probably too long — five years, minimum...
Turks overwhelmingly opposed the U.S.-led war in Iraq, and many question whether their soldiers should risk dying for a mission they largely don’t support. The Turkish government is weighing a request to parliament to send troops, under pressure from the United States, but is keenly aware such a move could divide the ruling party and threaten the government’s stability. Yet the influential Turkish military supports sending a force. ``The legitimacy (of the war) can be debated, but that’s in the past now,’’ said Turkish Gen. Hilmi Ozkok. ``If the United States is unsuccessful and there is instability there, this will concern Turkey.’’
Is it only the military types that have any common sense in Turkey? Oh, hi Murat!
Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul said he expects his government to decide this month whether to send in peacekeepers. Parliament would also have to approve the deployment. ``I believe that when the government makes a decision, our party, and our (parliamentary) group will back it,’’ Gul said Tuesday, emphasizing no decision had yet been made.
Unlike last time!
Posted by: Steve White 2003-09-10