
Israel Fires on Militants Planting Bomb, Killing One
Israeli Army helicopters fired at Palestinian militants in the northern Gaza Strip early Saturday, killing one, the military said. It was the third Israeli military strike in Gaza in 10 days, indicating a further erosion of the tenuous cease-fire that was declared in November. An Army spokesman said the militants were trying to plant an explosive device near the Israeli-Gaza border fence east of Jabaliya. He emphasized that the army “did not initiate” the action, but was responding to Palestinian activity.

The Palestinian killed Saturday was identified as Fuad Maarouf, 22, a member of the leftist Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Mr. Maarouf had apparently joined up with Islamic Jihad, a small, extremist group that rejects the cease-fire, to carry out an operation. Islamic Jihad’s military wing said in a statement that its acts were a response to the Israeli Army’s “daily violations” in the West Bank.

Also early Saturday, Israeli troops shot a well-known militia leader, Zacharia Zubeidi, during a clash with armed men in Jenin in the northern West Bank. Mr. Zubeidi is the local leader of Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades, which is affiliated with the mainstream Fatah organization.

Palestinian officials recently sought to extend the cease-fire from Gaza to the West Bank, but Israeli officials say they want to see it being enforced in Gaza first. Israel withdrew its military from the Gaza Strip and evacuated all Jewish settlements there in 2005. The Army spokesman said more than 40 explosive devices have been planted since November, all intended for Israeli patrols along the Gaza fence. The soldiers had escaped injury “by luck,” he said. About 200 Qassam rockets have been fired at Israel in the same period, according to army officials. Two rockets were launched at Israel on Saturday, army officials said. One damaged a factory in the Israeli town of Sderot.
Posted by: Fred 2007-04-08