
PCHR's Wonderful World of Gaza Weekend Roundup
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At approximately 17:50 on Friday, 6 April 2007, a number of unknown gunmen intercepted the car of Rasssem Mahmoud al-Bayari, 52, Head of the Union of Palestine Workers, when he was traveling with his wife, his children and his nephews near the Gaza European Hospital in Khan Yunis. According to al-Bayari, the gunmen forced the family out and got into the car. They ordered him to drive the car, but he refused and got out of it. Soon, a quarrel erupted between al-Bayari and the gunmen, during which one of them opened fire. Al-Bayari was wounded by shrapnel to the neck. The gunmen then took the car and escaped.
Do youze know who I am?
I guess you don't...

At approximately 07:30 on Saturday, 7 April 2007, 7 masked gunmen intercepted two vehicles of the Palestinian General Intelligence in Nusairat refugee camp. They forced security men out and took over the vehicles. According to information available to PCHR, one of the attackers is a former member of the General Intelligence who was dismissed. In the afternoon, the gunmen released the two vehicles after they had received promises to meet their demands.
Stop! Ex-police! We need your cars to get back on the force!
At approximately 17:30 on Friday, 6 April 2007, unknown gunmen traveling in a civilian vehicle with a yellow registration plate kidnapped Jihad Fu’ad Ziara, 46, when he was near his house in the east of Gaza City. According to Ziara’s father, the car passed near the house a few minutes before the attack, and only one person was traveling in it. The car came back to the area then, and a number of masked gunmen were traveling in it. They kidnapped his son. Ziara has been working in Israel for 16 years, and was granted the Israeli citizenship 5 years ago. He came to visit his family in Gaza on Thursday, 5 April.
Hey, ain't dat Jihad?
Yeah. Ain't he been working for da Jews?
Let's get da boyz n have a talk wid him.

At approximately 14:30 on Saturday, 7 April 2007, ‘Ali Barjas Sa’d, 24, a policeman from al-Shojaeya neighborhood in the east of Gaza City, was wounded by a gunshot to the right foot unleashed from his gun when he was on-duty.
Is she watchin me?
Yeah, Ali. She is.
Guess I'll impress her with some fancy gunplay.
She's laughing now, Ali...

At approximately 10:00 also on Saturday, 4 members of the Erhayem family were wounded by gunshots fired by the Palestinian police in al-Nasser neighborhood in the northern of Gaza City, when they were attempting to help a relative accused of committing a murder to escape. A bystander, 25-year-old ‘Alaa’ al-Din Ashraf Abu al-Qumboz, was also wounded by shrapnel to the right hand.
Accused of murder? We got laws against that?
At approximately 18:45 on Friday, 6 April 2007, ‘Omar Sami ‘Abdullah, 16, from Jabalya refugee camp, was wounded by a gunshot to the chest, when he was in a training site belonging to the Popular Resistance Committees near Shiekh Zayed town in the northern Gaza Strip.
Is that weapon unloaded?
I dunno, sir. Lemme look.
It is now, sir...

At approximately 17:00 also on Friday, ‘Etaf Saleh Bader, 44, from Jabalya town, was wounded by a gunshot to the left hand from an unknown source, when she was inside her house.
Unknown sources? Hokay. Blame the Jews for that one.
At approximately 19:00 on Thursday, 5 April 2007, Na’im Mustafa al-Bura’ei, 17, from Jabalya refugee camp, was wounded by shrapnel to the right foot, when a home-made hand grenade he was checking exploded.
Nice, huh? Works just like a real one. Watch...
At approximately 9:30 on Friday, 6 April 2007, armed clashes erupted between Fatah and Hamas gunmen in Abu Jam’e Quarter between Bani Suheila and New Abasan to the east of Khan Yunis. The clashes were triggered by a dispute over a billboard that Hamas supporters placed near El-Salam Mosque in the area. Thirteen Palestinians, including 2 children and 4 women, were injured by shrapnel. Gunmen also set fire to a car belonging to a Hamas members. The injured were treated in Naser Hospital in Khan Yunis. The injuries were listed as moderate.
Hey! Lookit dat billboard. They painted a moustache on Abbas!
I thought he had a moustache?
I don't care! Get da guns!

In the aftermath of the clashes, gunmen deployed in the areas and stopped several cars and searched them. At approximately 13:40 on Saturday, 7 April 2007, gunmen fired at Mohammad Sami Abu Samhan (21), a Hamas supporter. He was moderately injured by bullets in the legs, and was taken to Naser Hospital for treatment.
Time to take that Hamas bumper sticker off the car maybe, Mo?
In another incident at approximately 17:00 on Saturday, masked gunmen fired at Khaled Nadi Hamad (38), a Fatah activist, who was heading to his home in Beit Hanoun. He was moderately injured by bullets in the legs, and was taken to Kamal Odwan Hospital for treatment.
Bet you're not so "active" anymore, Khaled...
In the aftermath of this shooting, gunmen from Hamad clan attacked the Beit Hanoun Sports club, used as a compound by Hamas gunmen. No injuries were reported in the ensuing clashes. Gunmen from Hamad clan also attacked the house of Raji Khalil Hamdan, a Hamas activist. During the clashes around the house, Jalal Yousef Hamad (31) was moderately injured by a bullet in the left shoulder. He was treated in El-Awda Hospital in Jabalia.
The Beit Hanoun Sports club. The Bada Bing Lounge of Beit Hanoun...
Posted by: tu3031 2007-04-09