
Invincible Is DPRK Advancing under Leadership of Songun
They’ve used up their monthly allowance of run-on sentences for their birthday party:
Run-on sentence alert!
The 55 years of the DPRK are a period of heroic struggle and victory in which it has firmly defended the sovereignty and dignity of the country and the nation, foiling every move for aggression and challenge of the imperialists and a period of great creation and change in which it has turned into a powerful socialist country, independent, self-supporting and self-reliant in national defence, paving the untrodden path and a period of devoted service for the people in which it has looked after the destiny of the people and provided them with genuine freedom and happiness in a responsible manner, it says, and goes on:
after a deep breath
Upholding leader Kim Jong Il’s idea and guidance with loyalty is most ardent patriotism and a decisive guarantee for further demonstrating the dignity of the Republic.
Are you sure that's a sentence?
He represents the motherland and destiny of the nation. All the officers and men of the People’s Army and the people should cherish the undisputed loyalty to him and hold higher the banner of devotedly defending the leadership of the revolution. They should approach and put into practice everything from the stand of devotedly defending the leadership of the revolution, become his faithful comrades who share the same destiny with him and make a long journey of the Songun revolution to the last.
They should, huh? Usually they do, in this kind of article...
To build a great prosperous powerful socialist nation is the fighting goal of the Republic and the fixed will of the Workers’ Party and people of Korea. The invincible military power guarantees the building of a great prosperous powerful nation. Only when the army is strong, is it possible to firmly protect the gains of the revolution and successfully push ahead with economic construction.
On the other hand, if all the money and groceries are going into the army, what's left for the poor guy back at the industrial zone?
All the officers and men of the People’s Army should firmly hold the arms of the revolution and justice given by the Party, safeguard the leadership of the revolution headed by him at the cost of their lives and defend socialism of Korean style. The drive to build a great prosperous powerful socialist country is a struggle to convert the Republic into an economic power.
Like South Korea is. That's the way they dunnit... No, wait. Maybe they didn't...

All the people should possess the fixed fighting spirit and grit and progressive style of work to demonstrate the motherland of Songun to the world and build and create all things as he does.
As who does?
Only then is it possible to turn the country into a great prosperous powerful country in the near future. Independence is the life and soul of the Republic.
That's independence for the state, not for the citizen, of course, so don't get any ideas...
The DPRK will, in the future, too, not make even the slightest concession in defending the supreme interests of the country and the nation, but fight against the imperialists to the bitter end in a do-or-die spirit. Invincible is the just cause of the Korean people who are fighting in firm unity with the people of all the countries advocating independence in the invariable idea of the foreign policy: independence, peace and friendship.
Cards please.
3.0. Revolutionary slogans dropped into a lidless word blender and splattered across the page with no rhyme or reason. The writer should be shot, if he hasn't been already.

Posted by: Steve 2003-09-10