
Radical Muslim site lists Fatwa-ready sites!
tip to jihadwatch
Scroll to the bottom and look at the column on the left

# Atlas Shrugs
# BNP and Me
# Cox and Forkum
# Daniel Pipes
# Gates of Vienna
# Infidels are Cool
# Islamanazi
# Jawa Report
# Jihad Watch
# Jon Quixote
# Little Green Footballs
# Michelle Malkin
# No Burqua
# North american patriot
# Will to Exist
Dammit people, we didn't make the list. You're not trying hard enough!

Note what they say here

Possible fatwaworthy sites in the Bloggersphere are many due to the array of sites that contain writings that slander Islam, therefore when I come accross particularly Islamophobic sites I bookmark them under ‘Fatwaworthy?’ Some will be well written while others will be an illogical mess, however, the common denominator between them is that they exist in part or full to spread Islamophobic opinions. Brothers and Sisters, please fell free to suggest additions to the list.

Some may ask ‘What is a Fatwa?’, while others may wonder what had made them worthy as with those deviants whom have recently linked to me in this respect. A fatwa is an Islamic religious ruling, a scholarly opinion on a matter of Islamic law. Therefore, when the Shari’ah again rules the world (inshAllah) the importance may be placed on a fatwa requiring acceptance that Islamophobic sites be peacefully shut down and no longer be permitted to exist. Untill this occurs it may be considered our duty to list such sites and even write/contact websites, media outlets and relevant officials in order to campaign for such sites be closed.

It is with sympathy I report that the Islamic news site Al-Jazeerah has been frozen due to a campaign against it which is suggested as being started by a person of an Islamophobic site which boasts its own list of friends under "fatwaworthy". This is what we are up against! As MPACUK today states;

"Let us all come back together, uniting under the one banner. The banner of brotherhood. Let us stand united. It is never too late. One voice. One nation. One common goal. Remember brothers and sisters…United we stand, divided we fall."

In 1989, "fatwa" became an often mentioned term around the world, following Ayatollah Khomeini fatwa issued on Salman Rushdie for his novel, "Satanic Verses". Containing a death penalty, ‘fatwa’ has erroneously come to be understood as nothing but a death penalty. The fatwa reads:

"The author of The Satanic Verses, a text written, edited, and published against Islam, against the Prophet of Islam, and against the Koran, along with all the editors and publishers aware of its contents, are condemned to capital punishment. I call on all valiant Muslims wherever they may be in the world to execute this sentence without delay, so that no one henceforth will dare insult the sacred beliefs of the Muslims."
Posted by: 3dc 2007-04-10