
Two Years On, A Weary Nation Takes Stock
Sunday, December 5, 1943
EFL, read the original
NEW YORK (Routers) Concerned about inflaming passions that might further widen the war unnecessarily and result in more hate crimes against Asians, both here and abroad, most papers and radio stations will maintain regular formats and programming this coming Tuesday, the second anniversary of that unfortunate incident at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. NBC, however, doesn’t plan to focus on the direct victims of Pearl Harbor, so much as the current and future victims, with hard-hitting exposés of the civil-liberties violations in which the Roosevelt administration has indulged itself since the alleged attack by Japanese militants. They’ll be taking radio listeners into the concentration camp at Manzanar, California, to hear the stories of those interned for the past year and a half. The network’s plans have been lauded by human rights organizations. In a release, the Committee on Shinto-American Relations (CSAR) noted that: "Since December 7, 1941, the country has witnessed a persistent, deliberate, and unwarranted erosion of basic rights against abusive governmental power that are guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and international human rights law. Shinto is a religion of peace, and we urge all Americans to remember that most Japanese in this country had nothing to do with what happened on that date." They point out that on this second anniversary, it’s time to reflect and ask ourselves why the Japanese, and much of the rest of the world, hate us.
And so forth.
Posted by: infidel 2003-09-10