
Attack on EU train as Estonia poll turns sour
I’m sorry Fred, another EU story. Yours to cut as is somewhat OT. However, it seems the EU project is sparking violence more and more frequently these days... EFL
An attempt to derail a pro-European Union campaign train in the Baltic state of Estonia has soured a referendum campaign. The train carrying 300 passengers, half of them children, was travelling in the west of the country before the vote this weekend on joining the EU. The driver stopped the train after seeing dozens of six-inch bolts, which had been strewn across more than four miles of track. The Estonian government declared the attempt an act of terrorism and sent its secret service to investigate. Officials say dozens of passengers might have been hurt or killed if the train had been derailed. The incident comes after weeks of rising passions as the nation of 1.4 million people prepares for the referendum on joining the EU. Habitually, the Estonians take immense pride in their Nordic calm. In the former Soviet Union they were renowned for their almost dour character. But locals say the referendum has inflamed feelings. Debate is raging over whether, after 40 years of fighting for independence from Moscow, Estonia should hand over large areas of decision-making to Brussels.
You’ve had your fun, Estonia. Time to submit and start paying tribute once again.
Evelyn Sepp, an MP with the Centre Party, which is giving its members a free vote, said Estonian society was becoming polarised. "People are accusing each other of being ’Red spies’ and, in some cases, friends and family members are barely speaking to each other," she said. The mood turned sour after allegations that the Yes vote was drawing on almost limitless EU funds to persuade voters.
Tempers rose when an obscure poet allegedly killed himself, leaving a suicide note blaming the prospect of EU accession. The No camp began to send hecklers to pro-EU rallies. Their activists tricked EU diplomats into endorsing the Yes campaign - an infringement of the rules under which they work. The Yes campaign also became mired in controversy. In an attempt to play on deep-rooted fears of Moscow, one group pasted up posters listing Russian invasions of Estonia throughout the centuries.
Now the rhetoric has risen to a higher pitch. Martin Helme, a Eurosceptic activist who works with the largely British-funded Free Europe think tank, hinted this week that the National Guard might have a duty to intervene to protect the threatened loss of sovereignty in a free-wheeling capitalist economy. "We’ve only had independence for 12 years," he said. "Why should we give it away? How can Brussels be better at making decisions about our own country than we are?"
Britain supporting resistance movements on the continent again?! ;)
Such fighting talk is rare. But even in the sombre halls of the Estonian prime minister’s office debate is passionate. Paavo Palk, of the European Information Secretariat, said: "Research shows that living standards will rise when we join the EU. Our government will still make some decisions.
Some decisions, like what responsibilities they cede to the EU next?
"It will not be just faceless bureaucrats in Brussels. Our people will be there too."
Making a HUGE impact, no doubt.
With polls predicting more than 60 per cent in favour of the Yes camp, there seems little doubt that the pro-Europeans will carry the day. Most Estonians say that they are simply too small to stand alone, squashed between Russia and the EU.
Independence is not an option!
A local journalist summed up the feelings of many Estonians, when she said: "Our independence is important to us. Emotionally we might say ’no’ but rationally we will say ’yes’. "As a friend of mine put it, there is no point in sailing against the wind."
Personally, I’d compare the EU more to a black hole than to a yachting breeze.
Posted by: Bulldog 2003-09-11