
Fatah (Arafat) calls on people to shield Arafat round clock
Yasser Arafat’s Fatah movement urged Palestinians on Thursday to stay around the clock at his headquarters to protect the Palestinian president from any Israeli attempt to force him into exile.
"Save my ass! Throw yourselves on the Israelis’ weapons to save me! I’m too important to martyr!"
’’It is true the Palestinians do not own tanks but they own the determination to resist this Israeli decision. We call on the Palestinian people to be present at Abu Ammar’s compound day and night so the (Israeli) occupiers realise that the people will defend their leadership,’’ senior Fatah official Ahmed Ghneim told reporters, using Arafat’s nom de guerre.
That's so nobody knows who he really is...
Tens of thousands of Palestinians took to the streets throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip in defiant rallies after Israel’s cabinet decided in principle to expel Arafat as an obstacle to peace, a charge he denies. He vowed to crowds outside his compound that he would stay put come what may.
Didja ever notice that you never see Yasser without the towel on his head? He's got corn rows, y'know... And they're all, like, uhhh... nappy.

Posted by: Frank G 2003-09-11