
Saudis on bin Ladin trail. Really.
A former Saudi Arabian spy chief claims that the kingdom has been tirelessly seeking to bring Usama bin Ladin to justice. Countering criticism that the Saudi authorities had been lax in dealing with al-Qaida, Prince Turki al-Faisal said he had asked Taliban officials to hand over bin Ladin as far as back in the late 1990s.
That worked well...
"In the first meeting, Mullah Muhammad Omar did not refuse the idea. After waiting two months, I was sent again to Kandahar to remind him of his promise. I went and found Mullah Omar completely rejecting the idea," the former spy chief said. Now ambassador to the United Kingdom, Prince Turki said in an interview with the London-based al Hayat newspaper that he had tried to broker a deal with Sudan when bin Ladin was living in the African country in the mid-1990s. He said the deal finally fell through when Sudan insisted that bin Ladin should not be tried after being handed over.
Coulda just killed him and gone on with life...
In the interview that coincided with the second anniversary of the September 11 attacks on US targets, Prince Turki labeled bin Ladin as a "butcher".
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-09-12