
Brothers murder sisters for 'honour'
Three brothers have hacked to death their two sisters in Jordan, a day after parliament rejected an amendment that stiffens sentences for people convicted of so-called honour killings. The brothers killed their sisters, aged 20 and 27, in the capital of Amman earlier this week using axes to “cleanse the family honour”, according to officials on Wednesday.
Squeaky clean now, ain't it? Except for having three idiot murderers in the family, of course, but that doesn't count...
A Jordanian official confirmed a report in the English-language Jordan Times that said the incident occurred after the younger woman fled home to live with her sister who had wed a man without her family’s knowledge two years earlier. The deaths raised to at least 12 the number of women murdered by relatives to reserve the “family honour”.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-09-12