
Thousands rallied around Arafat following Israel's threat
Israel's security cabinet on Thursday agreed in principle to expel Palestinian President Yasser Arafat from the region. Palestinians, led by none less than Arafat himself, reacted to the Israeli decision with unrestrained rage. Palestinian prime minister-delegate Ahmad Qurei shelved efforts to form a new government, saying Israel's decision will "blow up" the entire region. "This step undertaken by the Israeli government is a dangerous act that threatens every opportunity for peace," he said in a statement. Thousands of Palestinians rallied to the veteran leader's compound in the occupied West Bank city of Ram Allah late on Thursday. Arafat vowed to stay put in his headquarters as Palestinians poured onto the streets of cities across the West Bank and Gaza Strip after word spread he would be expelled. "You are brave people, my loved ones. Abu Ammar is staying here," he said, using his nom de guerre while blowing kisses to the masses who had gathered. Members of Arafat's Fatah movement urged civilians to remain around the clock outside of the president's headquaters to protect him from any Israeli attempt to remove him.
Toldja so. Watch attention switch from Hamas to Yasser, as he basks in the adulation of his boomers people...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-09-12