
MEP's Rail at CIA Renditions
WASHINGTON (AP) - Members of the European Parliament told U.S. lawmakers Tuesday that CIA tactics for spiriting away terrorism suspects are illegal. The parliamentarians' briefing for House members concerned CIA renditions, the practice of grabbing terror suspects in one country and delivering them to another country for questioning.

The briefing came the same day it was disclosed that CIA Director Michael Hayden had privately complained to European diplomats last month that a European Parliament report written by a member of the delegation had exaggerated the extent of the renditions. Hayden made a case that the renditions were an essential tool that had helped the United States and European countries fight international terror, according to a Western official familiar with his remarks.
Which somehow is less important than 1) observing the proper form for appeasement and 2) not inciting violence amongst the ultra-sensitive Euro-Muslim population. Phooey.
The European delegation, which includes members of a European Parliament civil liberties panel, briefed members of two House Foreign Affairs subcommittees Tuesday. The hearing on renditions was set up by Democrats, who have sought to exert greater oversight over intelligence activities since taking control of Congress this year.
So let's hear from the Dhimmicrats who think that rendition is improper.
Carlo Fava, the author of a panel report accusing Britain, Poland, Italy and other nations of colluding with the CIA to transport terror suspects to clandestine prisons in third countries, told the members of Congress that the Parliament considers rendition ``an illegal instrument used by the United States in the fight against terrorism,'' according to testimony prepared for the hearing.
Carlo considers it that way, anyway, and that's all you need to know. Really.
As for Hayden's remarks last month, first described in The Washington Post on Tuesday, the CIA director said renditions carried out by the United States before and after the Sept. 11 attacks have all been conducted lawfully. Hayden said that the renditions had taken place with the knowledge and many times assistance of the countries where the suspects were seized, according to the Western official, who requested anonymity because the remarks were made to a private audience.

Hayden told the diplomats that detainees under CIA control had been essential to better understanding of al-Qaida for both the United States and its European partners.
You'd think people would understand that, having criticized the CIA for missing the boat on 9/11, they shouldn't turn around and criticize the CIA now for being vigilant. Well they will, won't they ...

Posted by: Steve White 2007-04-18