
Spaniard convicted on terrorism in Yemen
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh approved a death sentence Thursday against a Spaniard of Syrian origin convicted of planning terror attacks in Yemen. The source quoted in a Yemeni army publication, said the president of the republic, who also heads the judicial council, approved the death sentence against Nabil Nankali after it was issued by the higher court. Nankali was convicted by the preliminary court as well as the court of appeals of planning and conducting terrorist attacks and the assassination of government officials in Yemen. He was arrested in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, in 1997 along with a number of accomplices who were later rounded up in the capital and in the Red Sea port city of Aden. They were all tried and convicted by an Aden court. Nankali was also found guilty of training terrorists on ways to prepare explosives and conduct attacks.
G'bye, Nabil! Give our regards to Himmler!

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-09-12