
The British press tries to get its mind around our strange American ways...


GUN-loving Americans were asking last night: "Why didn't somebody shoot back."

Right-wing commentators appeared more baffled that gunman Cho Seung-Hui wasn't "taken out earlier" than anything else.

But then in Virginia, where 33 were left dead in the massacre, the only restriction on owning a gun is that you can't buy more than 12 a year. Over 30,000 people die from gunshots in America each year and there are more guns in private hands than in any other country.

But the gun lobby makes sure that the second amendment of the constitution, enshrining the right of every citizen to carry arms, is upheld. Legislation to stop people buying automatic assault rifles was allowed to lapse by George Bush's government. And British experts doubt anything will change in the light of the latest tragedy.
Is the author stupid, or just ignorant? Or is he a liar?
Ian Ralston, of the American studies centre at Liverpool John Moores University, said: "Everyone I've spoken to says 'Why don't they do something?' I can't see it happening."

Dr Stephen Mills, lecturer in American studies at Keele University, Staffs, said: "Most of this is a state matter and you don't get elected by being opposed to the death penalty or in favour of gun control - that is political reality. I doubt there will be anything done."

Even Tony Blair refused to be drawn yesterday on whether the latest shooting showed the need for gun control laws in the US. Asked if he believed they should follow Britain's example in the wake of the Dunblane school massacre, he said it would be "completely inappropriate" for him to comment.

Smart man. Very smart man...

Posted by: Dave D. 2007-04-19