
Police Foil Neo-Nazi Bomb Plot Against Munich Synagogue
EFL. Follow up from yesterday
German federal prosecutors said Friday that neo-Nazis arrested for planning a bomb attack on a Munich synagogue had additional targets in mind. Munich police have arrested a group of neo-Nazis that were planning a massive bomb attack on the construction site of the city’s planned synagogue. Working on an informant tip, police raided the Munich apartment of a suspected neo-Nazi and found more than 14 kg (30 lbs) of bomb-making material, including 1.7kg of the explosive TNT, weapons and a metal pipe. They arrested four suspected members of a Munich band of neo-Nazis, charging them with a planning a bomb attack and membership in a terrorist organization. "Everything was there for a bomb, only the alarm was missing," a police official told the SÃŒddeutsche Zeitung. Reports indicated the attack was going to take place during a cornerstone-laying ceremony attended by Rau, Bavarian Premier Edmund Stoiber and high-ranking members of the Jewish community on Nov. 9. The interior minister, however, said investigators weren’t sure Nov. 9 was the target date.
On a personal note: I have been invited to attend the ceremony as well.
Police say the seizure of bomb-making material was the largest found in Germany in the last decade and the largest in connection with right extremists since the end of WWII. Federal Prosecutor Kay Nehm said Thursday night his office was going to take on the case and was going to investigate the group of round 25 neo-Nazis, called the Kameradschaft SÃŒd - AktionsbÃŒro SÃŒddeutschland, to which the four belonged. Nehm also said Thursday that a case against three suspected members of the Islamic terror cell Al Tawahid, who had also planned attacks against Jewish targets, would head to trial in the coming months.
Violent antisemitism, Islamists and Neo-Nazis: When shall the two meet? Or have they already?
Posted by: True German Ally 2003-09-12