
EU to renew sanctions against Myanmar
BRUSSELS - European Union foreign ministers will next week renew sanctions against Myanmar’s military regime, which restrict travel by officials and prevent investment there, an EU official said on Friday. The sanctions, originally introduced in 1996 after Yangon failed to meet EU demands for greater democracy, will be “rolled over” with agreement of all 27 members but without debate when EU foreign ministers meet in Luxembourg on Monday for a regular get-together, the official said.

The EU notably wants Myanmar to free opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, to launch a national dialogue for reconciliation and end human rights abuses.
Sanctions are working about as well as those for Zim-bob-we and Darfur ...
“The European Union does not see any progress made,” by the regime, the official said, adding that “there are continuing concerns over human rights”.
And since the sanctions aren't producing any results, they must be continued. Brilliant, you Y'urp-peons, simply brilliant.

Posted by: Steve White 2007-04-21