
Biden: GOP to blame for ... everything!
Sen. Joe Biden, a Democratic Party candidate for president in 2008, on Thursday blamed the Republicans for the Virginia Tech killings and a string of events that have made news in the past few years. Speaking at Al Sharpton's National Socialist Action Network event in New York, Biden said President Bush, Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove are responsible for what he called "the politics of polarization."
Much better were the 60s and 70s when Democrats could slander Republicans, who stood there and took it. This turnabout game is unfair.
Biden said Republicans have created an environment that brings bad things to the United States.
That would make a good jingle:
GOP, we bring bad things to light!

"I would argue, since 1994 with the Gingrich revolution, just take a look at Iraq, Venezuela, Katrina, what's gone down at Virginia Tech, Darfur, Imus. Take a look. This didn't happen accidentally, all these things," he said.
And Iran
the new Ice Age Global Warming Climate Change.
New Coke
Cancellation of Smile
Disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa
the Pontiac Aztek
I leave anything out?

This is not the first time Biden has said something idioticoutlandish.
Now you know why he plagiarizes.
He may have plagiarized this from HuffPo or FireDogLake. You never know.
In a February interview with the New York Observer, Biden questioned the credentials of Sen. Barack Obama, a first-term-senator, who is also running for president. Biden called him "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy." This did not sit well with many African-Americans, including Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, both of whom have run for president in the past.
And wanted to run again if only to collect some money and live the good life for a while. Thanks Barack.
During a 2006 conversation with an Indian-American political activist, Biden said: "In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian-Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking."
No, but you are a joke.
During his first presidential bid in 1987, Biden told one New Hampshire voter who questioned his law school grades that: "I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do."
Orp! And to think that in the 80s I considered voting for this guy.
Posted by: Jackal 2007-04-21