
The Arab News Version: Global Outrage Over Israeli Decision
Nazir Majally, Asharq Al-Awsat
EFL and Fair Use
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, 13 September 2003 — Saudi Arabia yesterday led a chorus of worldwide protests over Israel’s decision to exile Palestinian President Yasser Arafat.
“The decision constitutes a dangerous Israeli escalation of the regional situation and a violation of international law and UN resolutions,” an official spokesman said. The Kingdom urged the quartet states as well as the international community to take quick and decisive steps to force Israel into revising the decision and save international peace efforts from failing.
Global Outrage. Yup. We get juicy tidbits from Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, Kofi, Russia, China, the EU, Spain, Germany, the UK, Turkey, Greece, and even a former Israeli FM, Schlomo Ben Ami, on this topic. All with that selective special touch from the Arab News, aka The Green Truth™.

Of course, now that there is precisely ZERO chance for peace, here they come out of the woodwork to second-guess and pontificate and wave their arms. Yawn. But it’s worthwhile to get the flavor of the response from each of these Govts. Hypocrisy and idiocy run rampant, such as the "OCCUPIED JERUSALEM" screamer dateline at the top.

Posted by: .com (Prez for Life - My Isles of Langerhans) 2003-09-13