
The Arab News Version: 9/11 Special Tragedy Revisited (DOH!)
I wanted to hear what an official mouthpiece of the House of Saud had to say about the second anniversay of 9/11. I wondered what aspects they would find important - and what their take would be on them.

But as of 9/13/2003 3:20 AM EST, the links to the topics they choose to address are all broken - only the main page is functioning.

Whaddya know. Mebbe it’ll come back online. Mebbe it’ll be worth taking a look. In the mean time, you might find it interesting to see what topics they did find worthy of "revisiting" - at least until it broke or the plug was pulled.

Posted by: .com (Prez for Life - My Isles of Langerhans) 2003-09-13