
Legless prisoner escapes from South African hospital
South African police are searching for a prisoner with no legs who managed to escape unnoticed from a hospital, the Saturday Star reported.
"Feet... ummm... stumps, don't fail me now!"
"Two months later, he is still on the run (or should that be crawl?) and the law enforcement authorities appear to be stumped," it said.
So to speak...
The newspaper said that Francois Johannes Pieterse, who had been serving a 10-year sentence in the east coast city of Durban for fraud and impersonating a doctor, was taken to a hospital in Johannesburg but escaped in July.
"Of course I'm a doctor, madame. I'm just a legless doctor..."
The guard assigned to him has been charged with negligence.
"Negligence? C'mon, boss! When was the last time a guy with no legs ran away?"

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-09-13