
Border talks with China ‘friendly, constructive’: India
NEW DELHI - India said Monday that talks to resolve a longstanding border dispute with giant northern neighbour China were ‘friendly’ and ‘constructive’ and would be continued at a later date. An Indian foreign ministry statement said the three-day talks between Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Dai Bingguo and Indian National Security Advisor M.K. Narayanan were held in an ‘open, friendly, cooperative and constructive atmosphere.’

‘The two Special Representatives continued their discussions on a framework for the boundary settlement’ on the basis of an agreement signed in New Delhi in April 2005, during a visit by Chinese premier Wen Jiabao.

The next round of talks would be held in China ‘at a mutually convenient time,’ the statement added, without indicating whether differences on their border -- a legacy of their brief but bitter 1962 war -- had been narrowed. The Chinese delegation did not say whether any progress had been achieved.

India says China occupies 38,000 square kilometres (15,200 square miles) of its territory, while Beijing claims 90,000 square kilometres of the remote Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. A formal ceasefire line was never established after 1962, but the border has remained mostly peaceful after agreements were signed in 1993 and 1996.
Background on the fighting and border issues here, and here with a small map.

Posted by: Steve White 2007-04-24