
Hizb ut-Tehrir condemns Musharraf’s comments on caliphate
Hizb ut-Tehrir (HT) spokesman Naveed Butt on Friday said President Pervez Musharraf’s comments that caliphate was unworkable in the present age was an insult to Islam.
That's the way Islamists say "He must be killed!"
Criticizing President Musharraf interview with BBC, he said Mr Musharraf was playing into the hands of the West and afraid of the Muslim unity. He said the West wanted to confine Islam to mosques. He said the Muslims all over the world would stand up against the present system.
Having a guy with a jewelled turban and some dancing girls being in charge of every aspect of your life is a sure way to bring about a prosperous and happy society...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-09-13