
House panel votes to subpoena Rice on Iraq
U.S. Democratic lawmakers voted on Wednesday to subpoena Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to testify about administration justifications for the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. On a party-line vote of 21-10, the House of Representatives' Oversight and Government Reform Committee directed Rice to appear before the panel next month.

Republicans accused Democrats of a "fishing expedition." But Democrats said they want Rice to explain what she knew about administration's warnings, later proven false, that Iraq had sought uranium from Niger for nuclear arms.

"There was one person in the White House who had primary responsibility to get the intelligence about Iraq right -- and that was Secretary Rice who was then President George W. Bush's national security adviser," said committee Chairman Henry Waxman, a California Democrat. "The American public was misled about the threat posed by Iraq, and this committee is going to do its part to find out why," Waxman said.
Lincoln would not have put up with this.
They didn't just drink Joe Wilson's KoolAid, they must have mainlined it. Even Joe, in his real report, confirmed Iraq was sniffing around Niger.

Posted by: Dave D. 2007-04-25