
Two Turkish soldiers killed in mine blast
(KUNA) -- Two Turkish soldiers were killed in a landmine explosion in southeast Turkey on Thursday, Turkish security forces said here. The mine was planted by Kurdish rebels in Shirnak and Bitlis provinces, which are overwhelmed by Kurdish population majority, they added. The mine explosion took place when Turkish soldiers were patrolling southeastern areas on the border with Iraq, the Turkish Army Staff said in a release.

Many Turkish forces are now carrying out a military operation at the area in a bid to hunt Kurdish rebels there, it added. The Turkish government accuses the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) of planting landmines in Shirnak and Bitlis provinces. The PKK is listed by the US, EU and Turkey as a terrorist organization. The PKK has been fighting against the Turkish government for a Kurdish independent state since 1978. The conflict has so far claimed the lives of over 37,000 people.
Y'kinda gotta wonder where the PKK is buying their explosives. And where they get their dough.
Posted by: Fred 2007-04-27