
Howard: US Congress vote on Iraq aids Al-Qaeda
The US Congress' vote to push for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq was wrong and will bring comfort to Al-Qaeda insurgents, Australian Prime Minister John Howard said Friday. Howard, a staunch Bush supporter who has also committed troops to Iraq and Afghanistan, said the vote by the US Congress was "probably not helpful to the general situation in Iraq."

"I think it is wrong, and I don't think it is doing anything other than giving great comfort and encouragement to Al-Qaeda and the insurgency in Iraq," Howard said. "They are looking at all this, they read newspapers, they see it on television and they say, 'The American domestic resolve is weakening, therefore we should maintain our resolve.' If there is a perception of an America defeat in Iraq, that will leave the whole of the Middle East in great turmoil and will be an enormous victory for terrorism."

I have to wonder: of the damage that would result from an American withdrawal from Iraq, how much has already been caused by four solid years of the Democrats' anti-war yammering and the MSM's nonstop gloom-and-doom, all-is-lost, it's-Vietnam-all-over-again propaganda?

The U.S. Congress is our enemies' most steadfast ally.

Posted by: Dave D. 2007-04-27